How We Help
Mission and Values
SCYHSA's mission is to provide services & support to the youth of Shelburne County. We strive to decrease marginalization, discrimination and vulnerability through advocacy and action that promotes equity. SCYHSA supports everyone regardless of ethnicity, culture, creed, skin colour, sexual orientation, gender, country of origin, family situation, socioeconomic status... etc. We are a secular organization with no religious or political affiliations.
We are a non-profit organization. Fundraising, grant seeking and donations are vital to our work. If you know of any possible opportunities for fundraising or grant funding please contact us. We are always excited to create new partnerships within the community!
Leisure & Activities
Video-games, movies & Netflix
Music room with instruments (Drums, guitars, keyboard...)
Art Room (Painting, sewing, scrap-booking, sculpting, drawing...)
Basketball, roller blades & other sports equipment.
Gardening & Tools
Sanitary items
Shampoo & Conditioner
Soap & Body wash
Toothbrushes & Toothpaste
Razors & Shaving cream
Tampons, Pads & period supplies
Condoms & Pregnancy tests
Socks & Underwear

Take A Tour of Our House
Our House Youth and Wellness Centre has many services, goods and essentials available to help meet the needs of the youth in Shelburne County. Aside from essentials, we think it's important that youth have access to a youth only space in their community to relax, socialize and do homework.