Sexual Violence Prevention Program

Sexual violence prevention creates safe spaces and supports youth to be the best, healthiest versions of themselves.

Did you know that the Our House Youth Wellness Centre has a sexual violence prevention program? Funded by the Department of Community Services as part of the provincial Sexual Violence Prevention Strategy, its goal is to improve the health, social, economic, and educational well being of youth. Our program is one of only three funded programs in this province of its kind. So much of the work we do at Our House is in the prevention of sexual violence.

The program provides:

Melissa Strachan

Sexual Violence Prevention Youth Outreach Worker
If you have questions or want more information about this program feel free to contact her by email at


Join Us In Novemebr

There is still space available for youth to attend our Rest & Reset Retreat happening in November at the beautiful @Boulder Cove Cottages. The weekend is sure to be filled with awesome activities, nature, delicious food and good vibes.

Follow the link to register: